Why is my video cut off on Facebook?
Facebook will display video covers differently on desktop and mobile.
- On mobile, Facebook will display the entire video.
- On desktop, Facebook will crop 75 pixels top and bottom.
This is what's happening:
By default, all MakerMoon video cover templates are designed to fit on both mobile and desktop. But, too much text, high font sizes or wrong layouts may result in hidden content on desktop.
What can I do ?
1. Adjust your video's position
Take advantage of Facebook's "Drag to Reposition" feature to adjust your video's vertical position.
2. Use the Cover guides, to design with limitations in mind
When designing your video, always make sure the important content stays in the desktop visible area.
To make it easier, in the MakerMoon editor click on the "Guides" button. This will display the mobile and desktop visible areas.